Calling of Rainforest….

Thick and dense rainforest is my favorite

Branches of trees I hop and ride

I wake up when the moon rise

My eyes are open wide

Binkling binkling all the night

Spotting for coffee berries which ripe

In my body

Bacillus backteria will fermentize

Coffeee bitter taste and all the like

Let me present all the right…..

Best coffee of all types

Civet Cat Malaysia

Kopi Luwak/麝香貓咖啡來源

Kopi Luak or Civet coffee is coffee made from coffee berries which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet and other related civets. The civets eat the berries, but the beans inside pass through their system undigested.

Many consumers question whether civet coffee is safe and sanitary, and whether it contains e-coli bacteria. The civet is not known as a carrier of e-coli or other bacteria potentially dangerous to humans, and there is no public record of any illness conveyed by civet coffee. It is professed by producers that the enzymes in the digestive tract, as well as the rigorous washing and sun drying of the beans, help to eliminate bacteria, along with the high temperature roasting process, and that the coffee is entirely safe.

kopi luwak來源:世界上最昂貴的咖啡:kopi luwak,馬來文“Kopi”意指咖啡;而“Luwak”是一種俗稱「麝香貓」的樹栖野生動物。

Kopi Luwak原產自印尼群島的蘇門答臘、爪哇和蘇拉維西。麝香貓咖啡品種大部分是低海拔的Robusta,可見Luwak偏好Robusta麝香貓是一種夜行動物,夜裡特別活躍,尤其是凌晨時分,他們憑著自己敏銳的嗅覺,選擇咖啡樹上最成熟、最香甜、最飽滿的咖啡櫻桃食用;果實經過他們的消化系統過後,消化了果實外之果皮與果肉,內含之堅硬咖啡豆卻在他們的腸胃消化發酵期間,產生了微妙的變化,風味變得獨特有特色,是為人工加工發酵所無法完成的自然效果。整個處理過程中,我們飲用的是咖啡內的原豆,並無直接碰觸到麝香貓的排泄物;麝香貓排出的是含殼之原豆,處理過程為晒乾後去外殼,再以高溫烘焙咖啡生豆;最後才以各種不同的咖啡萃取法加以沖泡來享用。想要一嚐麝香貓咖啡?絕對可以放心一試。














Dream for Kopi Luwak

I am a nature lover. I love our world oldest Rainforest. I love blue sky, with singing birds and gentle blowing wind. I was on an ever searching for a career which suits my preference, my nature.

It was one night, middle of last year, I watched one brief documentary about Philippines kopi luwak on Singapore television broadcast. Immediate one very strong taught stroke me: if Philippines could do, given we are in very similar geographical area, Malaysia should also boleh to produce kopi luwak. From that time onwards, I was on my search journey for Malaysian kopi luwak.

In very short time I gathered much information about kopi luwak and its key figure: the civet cat. Exactly as what I had taught, the very same civet cat which present in Philippines and Indonesia, is also present in our Malaysian Rainforest.

Since then I filed in my application to rear civet cat to the government. As expected, much waiting and hassles needed to go through. After going through much hassle, I felt like a little boat at the middle of big ocean, with very unsure destiny. Given I was the lone searcher of kopi luwak in Malaysia, I was having very little confidence whether I could realize my kopi luwak dream.  When I told my family members about my dream, all of them laughed at me.

One of my neighbor when saw I put some coffee seedling in my home, very heartfully she advised my mother not to plant coffee. Her bitter experience of planting coffee 20 years ago taught her coffee given her very little return but mountainous labor needed.

Then finally, after much effort, I saw some light at the end of tunnel for my civet cat rearing application. Fortunately, it was not a locomotive, but a real hard approval for rearing civet cat. One government official told me I was the first person applying to rear civet cat.

However, even though I am a trained agriculture man, I am big amateur for brewing fine coffee. Apparently I needed to find a partner, a coffee brewing specialist to work with. Then through report on Oriental Daily, I found Typica Café, Sum Leong and Ai Yi. Their great passion on fine coffee gave me deep impression. Immediately we agreed to develop kopi luwak together.

Then I started to rear civet cat, and looking for near extinction Malaysian coffee farm, to get ripen coffee berries to feed my civet cats. During our search, we were very sad that the sun of Malaysian coffee farms is going to set soon. More and more farmers are chopping their coffee trees with exactly the same reasons given by my neighbor. In Banting especially, an area previously occupied with many coffee farms, coffee trees are near extinction, giving way to more profitable oil palm.